6 Ways to Maintain Motivation


Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay 

            So you've recently become motivated. Perhaps you heard an excellent speaker or received a stinging dose of candor from a friend or family member. However, initial motivation frequently fades... So here are a few ideas to keep it going.

1. Keep the pain points in mind

        In sales jargon, pain points are issues that arise when the solution being sold is not implemented. Keep in mind all that could or will happen if you don't stick to your guns. For example, if you used to be inspired to go running three times a week, consider what will happen if you don't give your heart the workout it requires.

2. Do not play the game of leapfrog

        Motivational feelings can sometimes be confused with the desire to find the next high. Instead of hopping from one objective to the next, make sure you finish what you start before becoming enthused about anything new. For example, if you enjoy languages and have set a goal for yourself to learn French, do it before moving on to German, Italian, or anything else.

3. Recognize Thyself

        When you try to achieve goals that others have set for you, your motivation may dwindle. Examine your goals to ensure they are ones you set for yourself rather than those set for you by others. If they aren't, you might want to lay them away and reconsider where they belong.

4. Create a mental picture

        Picturing the end result of your objective can go a long way toward maintaining your motivation to accomplish, and it has some truly great side consequences. The good energy you create around that imagery will have an unconscious effect on you, while the mental affirmation that you can attain it will boost your self-confidence and help you stay on track.

5. Let go of things that are out of your hands

        When it comes to inspiration, it is all too easy to give up when things don't go as planned. Learn to let go of things that are out of your control; otherwise, they will sap your motivation to succeed.

6. Get organized

        If you want to stay motivated, you need to work a little bit to keep the motivation alive; otherwise, it will just slip into the traffic flow of life's feelings that inevitably comes over everyone—just like happiness, sadness, or anger, motivation will just be another feeling unless you concretize it. Put your goals on the calendar and create a plan of action.

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About Sopheak Pich

A passionate blogger who loves the sharing culture. www.smileofcambodia.com
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