5 Mind-Decluttering Techniques


Image by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay 

             When it comes to decluttering your home, there is a simple solution: sell everything on eBay (a little oversimplified, but isn't it possible?). However, when it comes to clearing your mind, it is not really practical to dump your thoughts on eager internet buyers...or is it? Here are a few ideas to help you clear your thoughts.

#1: Declutter your space

        We are what we eat...and what we see. While people debate whether or not violent movies raise a generation of messed-up, angry children, let us err on the side of caution and clean the space around us. With fewer objects in our frame of vision, we have less rubbish to stew over and worry about, freeing up mental space.

#2: Clear off your schedule

        Another thing that can drive us insane is the relentless rush from one task to the next. Examine your schedule and start removing items that aren't absolutely necessary. All they do is add tension to your day and give you more fuel to throw into the never-ending mental stew of stress.

#3: Unplug from the celebration

        Would you be able to sleep and rest easily if you were at a celebration with several thousand people, such as Times Square on New Year's Eve? That's pretty much what's going on with your smartphone, especially if you're connected to many social media networks. The pings, dings, and rings from various contacts, as well as the joy of discovering a new message, all contribute modest but toxic doses of stress to your day.

#4: Practice mindfulness

        Mindfulness is all about being totally present in the present moment. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, ranging from meditation to simply staring at an object (such as a candle) and considering its existence. Mindfulness will teach you how to push important problems out of your conscious thought process, resulting in increased attention and a decluttered mind.

#5: Let go

        Remember the part in Titanic where Kate tells Jack, "I'll never let you go?" Well, sometimes it's best to let old memories die. We have a lot of backstory in the back of our minds, from shattered relationships to evil bosses. Simply let it all go, and your mind will become lot more free and easy, much like a machine that suddenly functions faster.

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About Sopheak Pich

A passionate blogger who loves the sharing culture. www.smileofcambodia.com
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